

Hi, I'm MonMonMnemonics, or people use to call me just MonMon.

I'm a Particle Physicist by trade and doing PhD in theoretical hadron physics right now.
While on the side, I'm also doing programming both as a part-time job and as a simple hobby.

I've been doing programming for a long-long time, my first paid programming job was a finance software using VB6. Then from there, I've done all kinds of programming languages such as PoS with Delphi and Hotel management software using VB.net which was later rewritten in C#.

As a long-time programmer, it's interesting to see how the interest shifted from desktop applications to web applications around 2015. My first dip into web application development was with Django, which didn't work out well with the client and got scrapped, then from there I tried my hands in all kinds of frameworks such as flask, .net, Symfony, and JS for both backend and frontend. But due to its portability, I ended up using JS the most.

With that being said, just like with Physics, I love to learn new things and experiment with programming. As such, I often start a new project or take a programming job to learn new technologies or techniques, and after so many hobby projects, it started to get too burdensome to get a different domain each time. Thus this website serves as a centralized server for my ongoing passion projects as well as a repository to keep track of what I tried in which project.

Active Projects

Past Projects

--- Open Source ---


Just-for-fun Project

Nikoli puzzle with paper-like scribbler using canvas to imitate paper and pen puzzle sensation. Status : STUB since Nikoli itself started digitializing its puzzles a few months ago albeit without the scribbling capabilty.

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Kubernetes - GO - Svelte - MongoDB

Notable features:

  • Micro frontend
  • Micro backend
  • PWA
  • Firebase Auth
Github Code

Email blasting

Just-for-fun Project

Email blasting desktop app written with nodeGUI. Originally made to help me with a boring mundane task, but decided to release it anyway just for the heck of it.

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Github Code


Passion Project

Message relayer, active only as a legacy since it's still serving thousands of clients per second.

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VPS - Node - Angular - MongoDB & Firebase

Notable features:

  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Event Subscription System
  • Custom SMTP server
  • OBS integration
  • Discord Bot
  • Android + Desktop client with QT
  • Chrome + Mozilla Web extension
Github Code



Centralized website for everything VTuber with all the extra goodies such as realtime translation and multi-view.

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VPS - Node - Vue - PostgreSQL

Features worked on:

  • Whole translation and script management system in backend
  • Translator + Translation script manager webapp client
Github Code

Image Hosting (Defunct)


Fully self-hosted image hosting all in a single server.

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Vercel - Node - React - MongoDB

Notable features:

  • Auto file encryption and indexing system
  • Ready to be deployed in Vercel

Source code(s):

Website Scrapper

Just-for-fun Project

A simple website scrapper for Syosetu website.

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Notable features:

  • Automated scrapper with headless browser.
Github Code

--- Closed Source ---

I have all if not a bulk of the code to be functional.

IWTIF 2021 (Defunct)

Backend Developer

Indonesia Wellness & Tourism International Festival 2021. Basically, a marketplace website similar to shopee for health and wellbeing products.

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VPS - Node - Vue - PostgreSQL

Notable features:

  • Payment system using Xendit
  • S3 cloud storage using DO Spaces
  • Mailgun

Terbook (Defunct)

Backend Developer

Similar to IWTIF but for booking services for a beauty parlor or a salon.

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VPS - Node - Vue - PostgreSQL

Notable features:

  • Nothing new, more or less the same tech stack as IWTIF

Hugo static webpage


Just a simple static website written using HUGO.

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--- Other projects ---


part-time programmer

Programming part-time job I took when I was in Nagoya (~2015-2018). It's like an employment agency where workers were assigned with seemingly random programming jobs.

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VB.net, .net, flask, Symfony.

Hotel Management 2 (Defunct)


Just a rewrite of the previous version but in C# (~2015).

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C# - sqlite3

Hotel Management (Defunct)


Full package hotel management system for PSBB MAN 3 Malang, this was way way a long time ago around ~2013.

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VB.net - MS Access

Notable features:

  • Daily and Monthly financial report.
  • Room booking system and status tracking system.